08-001-US The power of thought

The power of thought ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 1 (Positive Affirmations). One way to harness the power of thought through self-talk is to use positive affirmations. Affirmations are positive, affirming phrases that help you break negative thought patterns and promote a more optimistic mindset.

First, write a list of about five to ten positive affirmations that are relevant and meaningful to you. These can be based on your personal goals, strengths or values.

Repeat these affirmations aloud or in your mind daily, preferably in the morning or evening when you are undisturbed.

Focus on internalizing the positive feelings and thoughts evoked by the affirmations. Examples of affirmations:

"I am strong and resilient."

"I am lovable and deserve happiness."

"I can accomplish anything I set my mind to."

Exercise two. Problem-solving self-talk. Instructional self-talk can be effective in improving problem-solving skills and promoting clear, purposeful thinking. Pick a problem or challenge you are facing. Sit down in a quiet environment and conduct a self-talk session in which you analyze the various aspects of the problem and identify possible solutions.


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