08-001-US The power of thought

The power of thought ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Breathe in and out to calm yourself and focus on the present moment.

Reflect on the negative thought and look for a positive or constructive alternative. For example, if the negative thought is, "I will fail at this presentation," replace it with: "I have prepared well and will do my best".

Repeat the positive thought several times to overwrite the negative thought pattern.

By practicing the Stop Technique regularly, you can identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, improving your thinking habits and harnessing the power of thought.

04-001-02 Self-conversa-ons

Introduction. The power of thoughts in connection with self-talk. The power of thought is a fascinating phenomenon that affects various aspects of our lives, including our attitudes, emotions, and actions. Self-talk is a verbal or silent way we express our thoughts and communicate with ourselves. They can have both positive and negative effects on our well-being and performance, depending on how we use them. Self-talk can serve as a cognitive tool that helps us organize our thoughts and emotions, solve problems, and achieve our goals. By encouraging, supporting, and motivating ourselves, we can harness the power of our thoughts to improve our attitude and enhance the quality of our lives. There are several types of self-talk that differ in their effect on the power of thought. We will now take a look at these different types together.


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