04-001-US The Future of Learning (Part 1)

academic outcomes, suggesting that positive attitudes toward the blended learning approach can lead to better learning outcomes. ________________ López-Pérez, M. V., Pérez-López, M. C., & Rodríguez-Ariza, L. (2011). Blended learning in higher education: Students' perceptions and their relation to outcomes. Computers & Education, 56(3), 818-826. Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. The study "Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education" by Garrison and Kanuka (2004) aimed to investigate the transformative potential of blended learning in higher education. The authors conducted an extensive literature review and looked at numerous case studies and examples of blended learning to determine how blended learning can help improve teaching and learning. Some of the key findings from the study are: Blended learning promotes critical thinking and reflection: The authors argue that blended learning o ff ers the opportunity to foster both personal and collaborative learning processes that support students' critical thinking and reflection. Improving learning communities: By combining online and face-to-face learning, students can benefit from the advantages of both learning environments. For example, online discussion forums can help students better prepare for face-to-face discussions and participate more actively in the learning process. Increase flexibility and access: Blended learning allows students to access course materials and learning resources that meet their individual needs and circumstances. This can help increase student motivation to learn and success.

Encourage collaboration and social engagement: Blended learning can help students connect more with their peers and faculty by facilitating both online and face-to-face

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